Espace Lounge®, the guarantee of a long lasting comfort
Espace Lounge® offers high-end home extensions and pergolas to guarantee you a new quality living space, both comfortable and long lasting at the same time. With certified raw materials and patented products that are 100% French made, everything is done so that you can enjoy your patio or your new living space in complete safety.
Manufacturer of 100% French made flat roof veranda and pergola

Espace Lounge® creates all its products within its design office based in the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region in France.
You have a project ?
Your local certified installer, an expert in aluminium carpentry , will advise you, examine and install your made-to-measure house extension or pergola according to your wishes. Your flat-roof veranda or your patio cover is then manufactured on the 30.000 M² production site in Pertuis, France. The supply of raw materials and accessories is local for a proximity with the suppliers and perfect quality control. That way, both the creation and manufacture are 100% French.
Verandas and pergolas out of quality aluminium
Alliage 6060 - A high quality aluminium

Three times lighter than steel, extremely resistant and with an outstanding lifespan, aluminium is an exceptional material for your future home extension or pergola. To increase its mechanical resistance and strengthen its physical properties, aluminium is usually combined with other metals in an alloy. Among all the existing alloys, Espace Lounge® has selected the alloy 6060 for the manufacture of its modern verandas and pergolas in aluminium.
This alloy contains silicon and magnesium which allow for a high corrosion resistance and good mechanical resistance. Used in projects that require the highest quality finish, this alloy is particularly appreciated in the fields of architecture and aluminium carpentry.
The powder coating is carried out according to the European standards in effect.
The entire manufacturing process complies with the following standards:
Qualicoat® Seaside - The guarantee of a quality powder coating

The powder coating process includes surface preparation of the aluminium profiles, a chemical conversion of the support, lacquer application and finally baking in the oven. The Qualicoat® certification guarantees a superior quality for the powder coating of aluminium pieces. The SEASIDE distinction refers to the specific surface preparation of aluminium profiles before the powder coating. This preparation consists in removing all the impurities on the surface of the aluminium profiles for installations planned on the seaside and in heavily polluted industrial areas.
The certification Qualicoat® SEASIDE guarantees the quality of the powder coating process, the norm-compliant thickness of the lacquer layer, its UV and impact resistance as well as its good outdoor resistance.
Qualimarine® - The guarantee of a resistant powder coating

The Qualimarine® certification attests the resistance of the powder coating of aluminium profiles that are intended for an installation of a veranda on the seaside.
It guarantees the resistance of powder-coated materials in particularly corrosive coastal environment. Thus, aluminium resists to extreme weather conditions (e.g. at less than 12 miles of the coast).
A completely secure home extension

10 years - Insulating composite panels’ guarantee
The insulating composite panels with a 167 mm thickness used by Espace Lounge® are under legal guarantee for 10 years.

5 years - Motor’s guarantee
The tubular motors are guaranteed for 5 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the products against any technical flaw.

2 years - Mechanism’s guarantee
The electronic control unit is guaranteed 2 years by the manufacturer.
Espace Lounge®, creator of innovation

Patent - WATER DRIVE SYSTEM The real flat roof veranda
In 2014, Espace Lounge® generalised the flat roof veranda and made it more accessible.
The exclusive system of waterproof flat roof home extension with outstanding thermal comfort is patented.

Patent - BIO-THERMIC pergola
In 2016, the company registered a patent for the first BIO-THERMIC pergola.
The Sky Lounge® is the only insulating pergola with a retractable roof on the market.